Anyhow, with the holidays, the new job and such I just hadn't really found the time to do much blogging nor keep up much on other blogs, though I did go through them once in a while. That has changed temporarily for reasons I desire to not discuss here.
The last few days I have cruised through my usual haunts and I must say, I am glad the holiday season is over. So many Christmas oriented photos and such it became overload so seeing some blogs come back to normal is refreshing.
Oh, finally I did an upgrade to my bedroom:
Before - Sept 2009:

After - Jan 2010:

I happened upon that set for $20 at Ross! Sweet, I thought to myself. But not really investigating the contents until I got home I opened up the package and it was just a duvet cover with pillows and two shams. Whoops. I was so taken with the price I didn't even think to check it.
No matter. I finally had something pretty to cover the bed and buying an inexpensive comforter or preferably a thick quilt for the innerds can wait. I have left the two quilts (both are for twin beds) underneath to keep me warm at night. I pull the duvet cover down at night to keep it nice. The thing is, some might be really disappointed in discovering that their cheap find really wasn't what they thought it was but I now have a bedroom I can walk in and be proud of even if it is lacking a key component.
I think for $20 that's a good deal really. I really did want something that wasn't poofy like a comforter anyway and I had been eyeing a black quilt at Target but it was beyond my frugal nature and of course the budget. Also, this has a bit of the gold tones that are in my regular cotton sheets so it worked out. I did get some black pillow cases (on sale for $7!) and now it looks better. It's a bit matchy-matchy for my tastes right now but I am in no hurry to make it "perfect". It's far better than before so I am not complaining.
One holdover from the holidays are the gold, beaded twigs I got from Michael's craft store for 50% off before Christmas. I decided I liked how they pull out the gold tones in the vase I got for $4 from Ross back in August, they are staying out for now and I moved it to my computer desk:

Close-up for a better color comparison:

I've only added a few other things since November and all have been pretty darn cheap. I added a cord-wrapped vase for $2 on the top of my shelves:

An artsy closeup of the texture:

I also picked up its sister that is taller and not as bottom heavy and a bit more at $4.76 (both from Hobby Lobby deeply discounted):

If you notice the shorter vase, that came as triplets and who doesn't think triplets are cool? One of its siblings can be seen in the photo of my computer desk above, on the monitor stand and you can see the last one here next to the bronze and black vase (which was only $4) Though they were in a package together, they came out to only $1.83 each:

You may remember that yellow vase (with the flowers) I got at Goodwill a while back? I took someone's advice here and got a pack of northern white beans, on sale, from the grocery to fill it up. I dig it! What a great suggestion and it's kinda neat to shop the grocery for your home decor. Hehe.
The little gold votive holders I have also left out (one in the shelves and one on my computer desk) were also 50% off at Michael's before Christmas. Working next door to them can be kind of dangerous on the budget but I've been very careful about that.
Oh, and I have decided that mixing metals gold, bronze, silver and copper through your home is fun. In some cases you don't have much of a choice but if you don't get too anal about it, it's unexpected and doesn't have to look really odd. For example, my weather station has silver in it and I like it placed on my computer desk and then I have the vase with the gold, beaded twigs...I like them both so I am willing to overlook the idea they aren't the same. Given the nature of the weather station, spray painting it to be black, gold or whatever is not going to happen so they stay right where they are.
Enough of my ramblings for now. I hope everyone had a fine holiday season (whatever your beliefs) and that 2010 is a great year for everyone.
Oh, and I have to post a picture of my boys from this morning while they were soaking up the sun even though the temps outside are in the upper teens and lower 20s:

They are fast becoming buddies and as I type this, they are both licking their legs! Haha!
So glad you are back! I've missed reading your posts.
ReplyDeleteWell thank you Rose. Are you musingegret (sp) by any chance?
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, I wish I had more to share but not much really is happening in my life that I choose to share in a public forum.
Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous day!
No, I'm not. I am new to the blog world and really don't have a clue what I am doing. I really need to read up on everything. I forgot to mention that I love your new duvet cover. I think the black pillow cases look great with it. You got a great deal. I will have to check out Ross when I get a chance. I am looking for something for my son's room.
ReplyDeleteWell, welcome to the blogging world Rose. Dive on in and get your toes wet. You can reveal anything you desire but do remember that what you post on a blog is for everyone to see and rarely can be unseen. But don't let that scare you.
ReplyDeleteOh man, Ross's home decor/housewares section is full of excellent finds. Better yet if you find something you like in their clearance section.
I recently remembered that Marshall's has a home decor/housewares section too. I got a super soft chocolate brown throw to put on the bed during the day so my cat has a soft place to curl up on. It was only $10, lists on Amazon for $20. I do find that some of their pricing is a bit higher (it seems - not limited to the home stuff) than Ross but they do have a fine home section.
I buy most of my clothes from Goodwill these days because I've been spoiled by the Goodwill near me. Though I did buy a decent winter jacket from Ross for $15 before Thanksgiving and that was the Ross full price.
Anyhow, welcome aboard the blogging train. Have fun with yours. I am bookmarking it right now!
Do you have a Home Goods store down in the Springs? There is one up in Parker (not real close to me) that I just love. Their clearance section is great!. I have a friend that moved out there so when I go see her I always try to stop by. I think the bigger TJMaxx's include a HG selection. I just have a small one by me.
ReplyDeleteThey just built an ARC by my house and I have been in quite a bit. I love to find furniture to paint. I am really trying not to go in anymore as I have too many projects piling up in my garage.
You got a great deal on the pants you bought for work. I don't seem to have much luck finding cloths that fit me there. But like I said, I really need to stay out of there until I finish what I have in the garage.
I knew that the Denver Metro area had Home Goods but I never thought to look here to see if we had one. Apparently we do and it's near the IMAX theater off Powers Blvd. Oh crap. I better find a better job now that I know that place is down here...that and I need to get into a house soon too!
ReplyDeleteI haven't been to TJMaxx in ages either. In fact, I hadn't stepped foot in Marshall's since I lived in Denver and I moved from there in 1998. It was an off chance I decided to check it out as I had to return something at Bed, Bath & Beyond and they are two doors down I decided to take a gander for a throw. I don't know why I had forgotten they had home items too.
The ARC nearest to me is way too expensive for the items they carry IMO. In addition, I don't like they only have the 50% off tags on Saturdays as it becomes a mad house. I like that Goodwill does it through the week and granted if you don't get there when they do the new 50% and 30% off tags you have to pick through the stuff. The Goodwill closest to me has really good merchandise because it's located near the "Highlands Ranch of Colorado Springs" (Briargate) so I find some good quality clothing. Some of the home stuff is not all that great but I think I go in at the wrong times.
I only check the clearance section of HG. It can be hit or miss though. We do have a Goodwill close but I have never been in it. It is the opposite of the way I go. May have to make a special trip. Really looking forward to the nice weather that is supposed to be heading our way. Yours should even be better. Enjoy!